Multi Level Marketing or MLM sometimes conjures up negative images or ideas as to what's involved and can sometimes be misconstrued as some ponzi schemes. However the truth is Multi Level Marketing if done correctly can be a great business model, both for the business and those promoting the business as affiliates.
Livegood is a MLM in the sense that affiliates can earn commissions at several levels deep - in other words affiliates can be rewarded not just for the affiliates that they personally sponsor into the business but also from the affiliates that their affiliates sponsor. So theoretically if you sponsor 2 people (for example), and they each sponsor 2 and that sequence continues, you very quickly end up with a huge team below you even though you only signed 2 people into the business.
The reality however is that it is unlikely everyone you sponsor will in turn sponsor 2 people and so on, even though that is most certainly very achievable.
My experience with Livegood has been very positive - and I believe the reason for that is that it is a very easy sell to people. Why do I say that? Well, in your circle of frinds it is most likely that at least some of them consume health / dietary supplements, and in all likelihood they are paying above the odds for those supplements. So it is very easy to convince those friends to switch to Livegood and pay a small membership fee to get access to huge discounts on the same (if not better) supplements.
There are many ways to get free or almost free advertising, and Livegood would encourage the use of your social network and social pages (Facebook, YouTube etc.) to promote the business. I have shared some of my traffic sources here.
The commission structure is great with Livegood. The fast start bonuses mean that if you can get just 1 new paid member a month, that more than pays for your membership fee and can cover some advertising expenses (if you choose paid advertising).
There is also the potential to earn from spillover via the forced matrix, although I would not rely on this as it takes time for that spillover to have a meaningful impact.
My suggestion is that you join the Livegood MLM as a full paid member and promote locally (e.g. local gyms / sports clubs, friends & family). Target at least 1 paid signup a month and see your commissions increase month by month.
It's not a get rich quick scheme (I'm not aware of any get rich quick schemes that actually work by the way). But think of it like this - How do you eat an elephant. One bite at a time..... Look at the longterm opportunity here and stick with it. It will be worth it i the end. Livegood! Join Now
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